Tuesday, April 8, 2014

Exchange Server 2010 Information Store Service not starting on Vmware VM

Exchange Server 2010 Information Store not starting

I Came across this issue when i tried to restart the Information Store Service.
All started when a backup exec jobs failed with an error and caused the VSS Microsoft Exchange Writer to be unstable and stack on "Retryable error".

A restart off the service and the server did not solve the problem till I found some logs and discussion about this problem on the web telling that there maybe a time difference between the vm and the vm host.

So I checked the vm host for time And found out that it is was just a couple minutes apart, so I have updated the time on the host and added NTP time server, restarted the exchange vm and all services started just fine:

The environment in question was vsphere 5.1 with 5.1 esxi host and a vm exchange 2010

Thursday, March 27, 2014

Group Policy Windows 8 Login to desktop

Here is a quick way to configure a group policy for windows 8 clients to login directly to desktop skipping the tiles:

Make a new Group Policy Object (With a name that you can resovle to what it does).
Edit the Policy and navigate to the following plae:

Add a new Registry Item

Edit all the properties with the following info:

*key path is: Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Explorer\StartPage

CentOS 6.4 Minimal, vmware and hyper-v no eth0

When you install the minimal installtaion of CentOS 6.4 there are no eth0 in ifconfig

Simple and on-time way to do this is to run this command:

 # dhclient -v eth0

But if you want a permament solution, edit the eth0 script file:

with these parameters:


and restart the machine, you should have eth0 pulling dhcp address everytime you reboot.

Simple PowerShell Seconds Progress Timer

Here is a simple powershell seconds timer (to display the seconds remaining) when you want to pause your script using the Start-Sleep command, and display how much time is left:

#time in seconds 
$time = 25

while($time -gt 0)

$text = " " + ($time % 60) + " seconds left"

Write-Progress "Sleeping For" -status $text

start-sleep -s 1

